Hungarian Association, P.O. Box 771066

Lakewood, OH 44107

+1 216-651-4929

The Dr. Emory and Ilona Ladányi Foundation Art Competition at the Congress of the Hungarian Association

The Dr. Emory and Ilona Ladányi Foundation Art Competition at the Congress of the Hungarian Association will not be held in 2021

Dr. Emory Ladanyi (1902-1986), although a successful dermatologist by profession, loved art and spent enormous amounts of time painting and creating various works of art.  His works were in oils, acrylics, tempera, water colors, inks, charcoals, pastels, wood and linoleum cuts, collages and even in “junk “art.  His diverse artwork included land and city scapes, portraits, acts, abstracts, and in the course of his lifetime had numerous exhibits in prestigious places in both the United States and Hungary.  Already before his medical service in the United States Army during World War II, he was recognized by art critics.  Due to his love of art and to the fact that he was born in Kecskemet, Hungary, his wish was not only to promote his art legacy, but to encourage young Hungarian-American artists with exceptional talent.  In this spirit of the Dr. Emory Ladanyi Foundation, the Hungarian Association is proud to announce the Dr. Emory Ladanyi Foundation Art Competition at the 2018 Congress of the Hungarian Association. All are invited to enter who meet the requirements and guidelines.

  1. Eligibility: The art competition is open to all participants who are of Hungarian or partial Hungarian origin between the ages of 16 and 40.
  2. Fee and Limit: There is no entry fee. A person may enter up to three works of art, but may receive no more than one award.
  3. Originality: The entry artwork must be an original piece, completed solely by the participant.  Make sure that the artwork is signed.
  4. Media: Entry may be sculpture, drawing, painting, print, collage, or other pictorial presentation. Sculptures must be free standing or mounted on appropriate bases and be appropriate for placement within the display space.   Paintings and drawings must be properly presented and may be framed or the artist may choose to omit framing as part of the creative process.  Works that are deemed too large or cumbersome to hang or display may not be accepted. Please limit paintings such that they do not exceed a size of 30”x40” and be not less than 16”x20” in size.
  5. Due Date: All applicants must digitally submit their CV, a photo of the art work to be displayed, as well as one of themselves, and an artist’s statement of their work and their inspiration for this work one week before the competition, that is by the Friday before Thanksgiving at
  6. Date of Competition: The competition itself is on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  The participating artist must be present at the exhibit that evening and the following evening, Saturday,  at the formal Hungarian Ball, where the awards will be presented. Participants qualify for discounted student rate ball tickets.
  7. Judging: A panel of judges will select the award winning entries, which will be eligible for cash prizes.
  8. Awards: $250., $150., $100. cash prizes for First, Second, and Third places, respectively.  All who enter artwork will receive certificates of participation.
  9. Agreement: Participants must agree to assume all responsibility for transporting and displaying their artwork.  The Hungarian Association will not be responsible for any loss or damage to art work displayed during the show.
  10. Any artwork may be sold at the competition by the artist with the price agreed upon by the artist and the buyer. Neither the Hungarian Association nor the Ladanyi Foundation will receive any monetary benefits from a sale.

