Invitation to the Hungarian Congress
Invitation to the Hungarian Congress The Hungarian Association: is a global organization has been active for over 50 years provides cultural and educational activities has
Lakewood, OH 44107
Invitation to the Hungarian Congress The Hungarian Association: is a global organization has been active for over 50 years provides cultural and educational activities has
The Hungarian Association extends its invitation to the 40th Hungarian Congress to all who are interested in the issues facing the present and future of
Alapi Etelka Ft. Antal András (Cleveland) Amerikai Magyar Újság Babos Sándorné (CA) Bakonyi von István és felesége Dr. Bakó Elemérné (Washington, D.C.) Baloghné, Petres Judit
Abelovszky Árpád és felesége (Worthington, OH) Dr. Alpár János és felesége (Amerillo, TX) Andaházy Géza és felesége (Cleveland, OH) Dr. Andrássy Józsefné (Dayton, OH) Ács