Mission of the Hungarian Association:
The Hungarian Association is a cultural organization sponsoring an annual Congress which provides a forum for the discussion of issues impacting Hungarian Americans and offers educational, literary, scientific, artistic and informative lectures, films and seminars by members of the Hungarian community. It also recognizes persons of Hungarian origin who did outstanding volunteer work for the betterment of the Hungarian American community, or deserve recognition for their work, including authors, artists and scientists of Hungarian descent. The Association reaches out to Hungarian Americans with sponsorships, a web site and other activities in pursuit of its cultural mission.
A short history of the Hungarian Association:
A short history of the Hungarian Association – articles from Krónika,” edited by Lél F. Somogyi, is a 50 page book that contains a number of articles, numerous photos, and a wealth of information in both Hungarian and English about the history of the Hungarian Association and the individuals who had the vision and dedication to carry on its mission of representing and perpetuating the Hungarian culture, for what is now its more than 50 year history.
Download PDF: “A short history of the Hungarian Association – articles from Krónika,” edited by Lél F. Somogyi. (Also available as Word doc)
Hungarian Association timeline
1948: Innsbruck, Austria Hungarian Association established by dr. John Nadas
1952: Hungarian Association re-established in Cleveland: (recorded as an Ohio organization Nov. 18, 1952); recognized as Federal non-profit April 18, 1972
1961: Hungarian Congress: first World Congress of Hungarians living in the free World, established by Dr. János Nadas, Dr. Ferenc Somogyi and Béla Béldy. Since then there has been a Congress held every year to date in Cleveland, Ohio.