News & Highlights
Debutantes and dance escorts, come to the Ball!
We would love to see you at the Hungarian Ball! This is a very memorable opportunity for all.
The Saturday evening Hungarian Ball is always opened with a traditional waltz and csárdás performed by young ladies and gentleman of Hungarian or partial Hungarian descent – those who have sent in their names already will be mentioned in the program, but all young persons are welcome to participate.
The group will assemble prior to the beginning of the dancing, after the dinner.
For more details, visit our website and/or email
Brigadier General Huba Wass de Czege
Brigadier General Huba Wass de Czege will be the luncheon speaker at the Hungar-ian Congress meeting held on Saturday November 24 at 11:30 am at the Crowne Plaza Cleveland City Centre Hotel, 777 St. Clair Ave. NE, Cleveland, OH 44114.
Pre-registration and luncheon buffet tickets at $22 per person are required. Reserve by calling 216-521-7183 or 216-228-4089.
Brigadier General Huba Wass de Czege, USA Ret., author and since 1994 a frequent consult-ant to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command for advanced warfighting experiments, wargames and other studies, was one of the principal developers of the Army’s AirLand Battle concept and the founder and first director of the School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Born in Hungary in 1941, his family escaped communism in 1945, and became US citizens in 1957. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1964, earned a masters degree in Public Affairs from Harvard University, attended the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, the Army War College, and the Capstone Course at the National Defense University.
His career included service with troops at every echelon from platoon to divi-sion in mechanized, airborne, and light infantry units, and teaching international relations at West Point and tactics, operations and strategy at the Command and General Staff College. During the Vietnam War he commanded an Airborne Infan-try Company and a Vietnamese Ranger Battalion advisory team. A variety of staff assignments included serving as a special assistant to the Supreme Allied Com-mander Europe, and later to the Secretary General of NATO. He participated in two influential studies of officer mid‑career education.
While on active duty he published articles and papers on tactics, operational art, doctrine, leadership, military education, and training.
Nov. 24th: Saturday morning Craft and Story Time (in English) for ages 4-10 based on
The Book of the Forests,
written by Tranyslvanian/American novelist Albert Wass for his own boys.
Come hear about the forest dwellers, the elves, fairies and the little angel who instructs them all. Enjoy crafts, puzzles and games based on the adventures of the self centered beetle, the but-terfly of good deeds, the hopping gray bunny always searching for something, the clever blue jay, the chattering squirrel, the red capped woodpecker and the great black nothingness. All activities will be geared to the appropriate age level.
The Antaloczy Trio in a Hungarian Medley Friday Evening
Dr. Scarlett Deva Antaloczy from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is an actress, singer, pianist, song-writer, arranger, composer, writer, comedienne and presenter-performer. Scarlett and her parents — the Antaloczy Trio — will join us in a Hungarian medley at the Friday night Literary and Artistic evening. She will also introduce us to her new book FREEDOM ’56. This presentation features ex-cerpts from Transylvanians who sided with the Freedom Fighters in Hungary. Interspersed with the read selections are folksong, original music and poetry. During the Congress program, she will give us a lecture (in English) on Holistic medicine including alternative treatments such as acupuncture.
See more details on our website!
Finding ways to pass on Hungarian ethnicity to the next generation
We are reaching out to 2nd and 3rd generation American Hungarians, we are reaching out to you! Come hear Andrea Lauer Rice’s presentation: “Pass it on…Finding ways to pass on Hungarian ethnicity to the next generation.” Andrea Lauer Rice, Founder and CEO of Lauer Learning, creates multimedia tools to teach chil-dren about culture, language and history. Her recent projects include: co-editor of 56 Stories: Personal Recol-lections of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, A Hun-garian American Perspective, Executive Producer of FF56!, an educational computer game about 1956 and most recently, Executive Producer and Co-author of Hungarian Freedom Fighters of ’56, a historic graphic novel about the Revolution.
As Vice President of the Hungarian American Coalition, she is also working to finding ways to pass on ethnicity to the next generation, specifi-cally targeting those Hungarian Americans who do not speak the language and/or have limited com-munity infrastructure to support this goal.
/For further information see the attachement below/