Hungarian Association, P.O. Box 771066

Lakewood, OH 44107

+1 216-651-4929

47th Hungarian Congress – Andrea Lauer Rice


We are reaching out to 2nd & 3rd generation
American Hungarians!
We are reaching out, not only to young
people, but also to parents, to grandparents,
and to everyone interested in keeping
Hungarian culture alive and well. “We can’t
teach them if we can’t reach them!” So. . . .

We are reaching out to you!
Come hear Andrea Lauer Rice’s presentation:

“Pass it on. . . Finding
ways to pass on Hungarian ethnicity to the next generation.”


WHEN: Friday, November 23, 2007 2:00 PM RITZ ROOM

Andrea Lauer Rice from Atlanta, Georgia, joins us at the Hungarian Congress, speaking on the topic of: “Reaching out to the Second Generation” (We are at a major crossroads. What does the future hold for Hungarian Americans, assimilation or a viable networking community?)


More about Andrea Lauer Rice:
Andrea Lauer Rice, Founder and CEO of Lauer Learning, creates
multimedia tools to teach children about culture, language and
history. Her recent projects include: co-editor of 56 Stories:
Personal Recollections of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, A Hungarian American
Perspective, Executive Producer of FF56!, an educational computer game about 1956 and
most recently, Executive Producer and Co-author of Hungarian Freedom Fighters of ’56, a
historic graphic novel about the Revolution. As Vice President of the Hungarian American
Coalition, she is also working to finding ways to pass on ethnicity to the next generation,
specifically targeting those Hungarian Americans who do not speak the language and/or
have limited community infrastructure to support this goal.




