writer and political analyst
„Felvidék, Magyarság kihivásai”
Artist information:
Edith Lauer is a Hungarian-American community activist. Born in Hungary, she escaped with her family after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and settled in Maryland. In 1963 she married John Lauer, and they moved to South Texas, where she received her B.S. in Secondary Education and M.A. in English and Spanish at Texas A & M University and had two wonderful daughters. Subsequently, she taught English and Spanish to high school and first year college students. She was an active volunteer in non-profit educational and cultural institutions for 20 years before she was elected the first President of the Hungarian American Coalition in 1991 which she led for 12 years. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Hungarian Communion of Friends, the National Comm. of Hungarians from Slovakia, the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society; the Cleveland Council of World Affairs, Case Western Reserve University and the Washington-based Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. In 2006, with her daughter, Andrea Lauer Rice, she wrote 56 Stories: Personal Recollections of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution – A Hungarian American Perspective.