Oláh Tímea
Fulbright visiting scholar, Rutgers Egyetem, New Jersey;Debreceni Egyetem PhD jelölt; író, kutató
Ms. Tímea Oláh of Debrecen, Hungary, is currently a Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (Aug. 2012–Feb. 2013). Her field of research is “The ethnic identity and assimilation patterns of secondgeneration Hungarian-Americans in the city of New Brunswick, New Jersey.” Previously, she studied at the University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Literature (2006-2012) and holds a Pre-degree certificate (ABD).
At Debrecen, her field of research centered on “Hungarian-American immigrant studies, the Hungarian-American immigrant experience from the early 20th century.” She also completed her MA degree at the University of Debrecen (2006) where she was a teaching and administrative assistant, a qualified teacher of English language and literature, and manager of andragogy (adult education) management. Her MA thesis title was “From Consecration to Gambling: The Changing Role of Hungarian-American Churches before World War II.” While pursuing her doctoral degree, Ms. Oláh also worked at NI Hungary Ltd. in Debrecen, Hungary (2006-present where she currently on leave) as an IT management coordinator, and was responsible for the hiring, training, and event organization in an IT Department of over 100 employees. While an undergrad student, she was a member of numerous professional organizations including the Talent Management Program of the University of Debrecen, as well as her work with conferences and lectures at the István Hatvani College, University of Debrecen. She is currently a member of the Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS) and the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE).
Among her academic honors, in 2005-2006 she was the recipient of a Fellowship granted by the Republic of Hungary for studies at the University of Debrecen, and she also won first place for her presentation at the 27th Conference of Scientific Students’ Association (OTDK), Church History. Her publications include “From Consecration to Gambling: The Changing Role of Hungarian-American Churches before World War II” (MA thesis), in Juvenilia I., edited by Zoltán Kovács and Péter Szirák, Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2006; as well as “A templomszenteléstől a szerencsejátékokig: Az amerikai magyar egyházak feladatai a II. világháború előtt,” in Sárospataki Füzetek no. 2 (2005): 91-103; as well as “Lost Generation: Second Generation Hungarian-American Identity in the 1930s,” in Vasváry Collection Newsletter 41, no.1 (2011) https://www.skszeged.hu/statikus_html/vasvary/newsletter/11jun/tartalom.html and finally “Double Exile.” Review of Double Exile. Migrations of Jewish-Hungarian Professionals through Germany to the United States, 1919-1945 by Tibor Frank which appeared in Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies XVII., no. 2. (2011).
She has given lectures at 8th International Biennial Conference of the Hungarian Association for American Studies: “The Children of the Injured: Experience of the Children of 1956 Freedom Fighters in Hungary and the United States” (Debrecen, 2010), as well as at the10th Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English: “Continuing Stories: The Hungarian Immigrant Experience in the US in Recent Documentary Films” (Piliscsaba,Hungary, 2011)