Date: November 26th 2:30-4:30 Hilton Garden Inn Downtown Cleveland 1100 Carnegie Ave. , Cleveland, OH 44115
At 2:30 pm Dr. Klara Papp, Professor, Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine
“Tools to distinguish critical thinking from ‘pseudo’ thinking”
There are some things that we human beings do very well, that is in comparison to nonhumans, such as thinking and reasoning. Every human being thinks. However, according to experts much of our thinking, if left to itself, may be biased, distorted, and uninformed. Yet the quality of our life largely depends on the quality of our thinking. Unprincipled thinking is costly and wasteful. Disciplined thinking must be systematically cultivated. During this session, participants will think about the quality of their thinking, consider criteria of analyzing thinking, and critique a model of the way we humans think.
Session held in English.
3:00 pm Dr. Miklós Fogarasi, Asst. Professor,
Frank H. Netter MD, School of Medicine, Quinnipiac University:
„Challenges of Surviving Cancer”
Cancer is not as lethal as it used to be. With more successful treatments and improving survival rates, a new field is born: Cancer Survivorship. When is survivorship beginning? What are its main issues? Who will take care of these patients once the oncologist’s work is complete? Can primary care physicians or nurse practitioners deal with the issues facing survivors? Can they offer the care needed to deal with the special physical or emotional needs of these patients? During this session participants will work with Dr. Fogarasi to consider quality of life issues, understand chronic medical and late side effect issues, psycho-social challenges and issues around genetic testing. The speaker is an oncologist and teaches Cancer Survivorship for primary care-bound medical students.
Session held in English.
3:30 pm Dr. Ágnes Buvár, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Fulbright scholar
at Ohio State University
“Advertising in the 21st century: Innovations as perceived through the eyes of a psychologist.”
What do we mean by advertising? Is advertising dead? How has Internet changed the way brands communicate with their consumers? When surveys show that most of us try to avoid advertising, companies and creative agencies keep on searching for new and innovative ways to get to their audience. This session will present these new ways of advertising and will consider their positive and negative aspects from the consumer’s point of view.
Session will be held in Hungarian.
4:00 pm Dr. John Nádas, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Mercy Medical Center:
“The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy”
Do you ever wonder why you act the way you do? Do you ever wonder where a particular thought came from? This session will present pivotal new findings from neuroscience about the workings of the mind, and psychotherapy techniques derived from these discoveries will be introduced. Psychotropic medications are invaluable for short-term treatment of severe psychiatric disorders. However, psychotherapy is superior to psychopharmacology in the long run, allowing a person a better understanding of his or her mind, providing better control over mental processes, and providing greater quality of life and satisfaction.
Session will be held in English.