MAGYAR TÁRSASÁG / HUNGARIAN ASSOCIATIONAz 58. Magyar Kongresszus / The 58th Hungarian Congress November 23-24, 2018 | The Hungarian Association extends its invitation to everyone interested in issues facing the present and future of Hungary and Hungarian Americans to attend the 58th Hungarian Congress.
Saturday evening
black-tie & debutante
ball ! Round table discussion: Hungarian-American trans-Atlantic connections, with audience participation Presentations: Friday/Saturday from prominent members hailing from around the world who are experts in their fields, on … . . . natural remedies, religion and spirituality in the modern world, Hungarian Art Deco, legacy of socialism in Hungary, the new Hungarian global generation, & many other presentations on topics of interest to all Programs given primarily in the Hungarian language, but also English language presentations Exhibits and sales: Gyerek Program / Children’s Program Erdélyi Találkozó / Meet ‘n Greet: featuring Transylvanian food & culture focusing on sports stars | |
2018 Magyar Kongresszus témáját Váci Mihály „Még nem Elég” című verséből emeltük ki. Hálaadás hétvégén: péntek, szombat: Előadások! Kiállítások! Vásár! Könyvek! Filmek! Programunk vázlatát postázuk, részletes programunkat a Kongresszus alatt osztjuk ki. Honlapunkon, facebook oldalunkon található bővebb felvilágosítás az egész Magyar Kongresszusról. Check our website regularly for entire program & updates. Check our website regularly for entire program & updates. | KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mr. Marion SmithExecutive Director of Victims of Communism; founding president of the Common Sense Society, an international foundation that promotes civic engagement, entrepreneurship, and leadership virtues among young professionals in the United States and Europe; regular guest analyst on major network and cable television news channels, including ABC, NBC, MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN … SHORT FILMS PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED… Showing award winning short films from the BuSho Budapest film festival by Tamás Gábeli, festival organizer Művészest – Friday Literary & Artistic Programfeaturing Sándor Balla (baritone opera singer) from Marosvásárhely, accompanied by concert pianist, Zsuzsanna Balla Balla Zsuzsanna, zongoramvész Balla Sándor, |